Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Blue Tooth Technology

Blue Tooth Technology

HTTP Status Code

HTTP Status Code

Following is a list of all the available HTTP 1.1 status codes, along with their associated message and interpretation. You should be cautious in using the status codes that are available only in HTTP 1.1, since many browsers still only support HTTP 1.0. If you do use status codes specific to HTTP 1.1, in most cases you want to either explicitly check the HTTP version of the request (via the getProtocol method of the HttpServletRequest) or reserve it for situations when no HTTP 1.0 status code would be particularly meaningful to the client anyhow.

Status Code Associated Message Meaning
100 Continue Continue with partial request. (New in HTTP 1.1)
101 Switching Protocols Server will comply with Upgrade header and
change to different protocol. (New in HTTP 1.1)
200 OK Everything's fine; document follows for GET and
requests. This is the default for servlets; if you
don't use setStatus, you'll get this.
201 Created Server created a document; the Location header
indicates its URL.
202 Accepted Request is being acted upon, but processing is not
203 Non-Authoritative Information Document is being returned normally, but some of the
response headers might be incorrect since a document copy is being
used. (New in HTTP 1.1)
204 No Content No new document; browser should continue to display previous
document. This is a useful if the user periodically reloads a page
and you can determine that the previous page is already up to date.
However, this does not work for pages that are automatically
reloaded via the Refresh response header or the equivalent <="" <="" code="" http-equiv="Refresh" meta=""> header, since returning this status
code stops future reloading. JavaScript-based automatic reloading
could still work in such a case, though.
205 Reset Content No new document, but browser should reset document view.
Used to force browser to clear CGI form fields. (New in HTTP 1.1)
206 Partial Content Client sent a partial request with a Range
header, and server has fulfilled it. (New in HTTP 1.1)
300 Multiple Choices Document requested can be found several places; they'll be
listed in the returned document. If server has a preferred choice,
it should be listed in the Location response header.
301 Moved Permanently Requested document is elsewhere, and the URL for it is given
in the Location response header. Browsers should
automatically follow the link to the new URL.
302 Found Similar to 301, except that the new URL should be
interpreted as a temporary replacement, not a permanent one. Note:
the message was "Moved Temporarily" in HTTP 1.0, and the constant in
Very useful header, since browsers
automatically follow the link to the new URL. This status code is
so useful that there is a special method for it, sendRedirect.
Using response. sendRedirect(url) has a couple of
advantages over doing response. setStatus
and response.
setHeader("Location", url)
. First, it is easier. Second, with sendRedirect,
the servlet automatically builds a page containing the link (to show
to older browsers that don't automatically follow redirects).
can handle relative URLs, automatically translating them to
absolute ones.

Note that this status code is sometimes used interchangeably with
301. For example, if you erroneously ask for

(missing the trailing slash), some servers will send 301 and others
will send 302.

Technically, browsers are only supposed to automatically follow the redirection if the original request was GET.

See the 307 header for details.
303 See Other Like 301/302, except that if the original request was POST,
the redirected document (given in the Location header)
should be retrieved via GET. (New in HTTP 1.1)
304 Not Modified Client has a cached document and performed a conditional
request (usually by supplying an If-Modified-Since
header indicating that it only wants documents newer than a
specified date). Server wants to tell client that the old, cached
document should still be used.
305 Use Proxy Requested document should be retrieved via proxy listed in Location
header. (New in HTTP 1.1)
307 Temporary Redirect This is identical to 302 ("Found" or "Temporarily Moved").
It was added to HTTP 1.1 since many browsers erroneously followed
the redirection on a 302 response even if the original message was a
, even though it really ought to have followed the
redirection of a POST request only on a 303 response.
This response is intended to be unambigously clear: follow
redirected GET and POST requests in
the case of 303 responses, only follow the redirection for GET

requests in the case of 307 responses. Note: for some reason there
is no constant in HttpServletResponse corresponding to
this status code. (New in HTTP 1.1)
400 Bad Request Bad syntax in the request.
401 Unauthorized Client tried to access password-protected page without
proper authorization. Response should include a WWW-Authenticate
header that the browser would use to pop up a username/password
dialog box, which then comes back via the Authorization
403 Forbidden Resource is not available, regardless of authorization.
Often the result of bad file or directory permissions on the server.
404 Not Found No resource could be found at that address. This is the
standard "no such page" response.
This is such a common and
useful response that there is a special method for it in HttpServletResponse:
sendError(message). The advantage of sendError
over setStatus is that, with sendError,
the server automatically generates an error page showing the error
405 Method Not Allowed The request method (GET, POST, HEAD,
, PUT, TRACE, etc.) was
not allowed for this particular resource. (New in HTTP 1.1)
406 Not Acceptable Resource indicated generates a MIME type incompatible with
that specified by the client via its Accept header.
(New in HTTP 1.1)
407 Proxy Authentication Required Similar to 401, but proxy server must return a Proxy-Authenticate
header. (New in HTTP 1.1)
408 Request Timeout The client took too long to send the request. (New in HTTP
409 Conflict Usually associated with PUT requests; used for
situations such as trying to upload an incorrect version of a file.
(New in HTTP 1.1)
410 Gone Document is gone; no forwarding address known. Differs from
404 in that the document is is known to be permanently gone in this
case, not just unavailable for unknown reasons as with 404. (New in
HTTP 1.1)
411 Length Required Server cannot process request unless client sends a Content-Length
header. (New in HTTP 1.1)
412 Precondition Failed Some precondition specified in the request headers was
false. (New in HTTP 1.1)
413 Request Entity Too Large The requested document is bigger than the server wants to
handle now. If the server thinks it can handle it later, it should
include a Retry-After header. (New in HTTP 1.1)
414 Request URI Too Long The URI is too long. (New in HTTP 1.1)
415 Unsupported Media Type Request is in an unknown format. (New in HTTP 1.1)
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable Client included an unsatisfiable Range header
in request. (New in HTTP 1.1)
417 Expectation Failed Value in the Expect request header could not be
met. (New in HTTP 1.1)
500 Internal Server Error Generic "server is confused" message. It is often the result
of CGI programs or (heaven forbid!) servlets that crash or return
improperly formatted headers.
501 Not Implemented Server doesn't support functionality to fulfill request.
Used, for example, when client issues command like PUT
that server doesn't support.
502 Bad Gateway Used by servers that act as proxies or gateways; indicates
that initial server got a bad response from the remote server.
503 Service Unavailable Server cannot respond due to maintenance or overloading. For
example, a servlet might return this header if some thread or
database connection pool is currently full. Server can supply a Retry-After
504 Gateway Timeout Used by servers that act as proxies or gateways; indicates
that initial server didn't get a response from the remote server in
time. (New in HTTP 1.1)
505 HTTP Version Not Supported Server doesn't support version of HTTP indicated in request
line. (New in HTTP 1.1)

What is OVI?

What is OVI?

All About  OVI
     OVI Stands For
  • OVI stands for "Operating a vehicle 
  • OVI, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute. 
  • OVI, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.  
  • OVI, Optically Variable Ink.  
  • OVI, Open Verilog International 
Information about  OVI
OVI meaning Open Door, is a platform that was announced by Mr Anssi Vanjoki, Executive Vice President, Nokia last year.It lets Nokia phone owners back-up contacts and calendar entries from their phone to the site, plus add and edit entries on the site before synchronising the new data back to their handset. 

Ovi also features online storage, called Anytime Files, with the emphasis on allowing users to view synced files remotely via their phone’s Web browser. Different from similar services like Apple’s MobileMe which rely on dedicated clients, Nokia’s files storage is accessible via any Web browser — this means you don’t need a specific device, or brand of phone, to access your files.

More Information
f you have a Nokia mobile phone, the chances are you’ve already heard of Nokia’s Ovi Suite, but that doesn’t mean you’ve had the chance to check it out or get the best out of it. Ovi Suite is the software that lets you sync your Nokia with your PC, backing up your contacts and carrying out lots of other handy tasks. To find out more about Ovi Suite, join us after the break…
Nokia’s Ovi Suite takes over from where Nokia PC Suite left off, letting you connect your Nokia phone to your PC and carry out all manner of useful tasks. The most obvious reason to download and install Ovi Suite is the fact you’ll be able to back up your contacts with the click of a button – so if you lose your Nokia you’ll simply be able to head home and transfer all your friends’ details onto your next Nokia handset.

You’ll also be able to sync every other bit of data on your Nokia, from the bookmarks in your internet explorer, to your cherished messages, and you’ll even be able to send and receive text messages from Ovi Suite when your Nokia is hooked up to your PC.
Ovi Suite is also capable of looking after and syncing your PC music collection, and you’ll be able to download more using Ovi Music. Your photographs are also in safe hands, along with emails and your calendar – it’s amazing how much information your Nokia is capable of storing, so it makes sense to use Ovi Suite to keep a backup of everything.
There’s also Ovi Map Loader, which is one of the most useful applications we’ve seen for a smartphone so far, letting you download maps throughout the world for installation on your Nokia, so you won’t need an internet connection when using Ovi Maps 3.03 for turn-by-turn directions.
That’s Ovi Suite, then, and we’ll be bringing you a full guide on how to use it with all the individual features in the coming days.

Why Wireless Internet is Slower than Wired?

Why Wireless Internet is Slower than Wired?

There’s nothing like the untethered freedom of wireless Internet. Having the flexibility to get online from a variety of locations is a beautiful thing. But why is it that you seem to always be sacrificing speed for the sake of mobility? What is it about wireless Internet that slows you down? The following are 10 reasons why wireless Internet is slower that wired.

1. Firstly, wireless signals are subject to interference from physical obstructions like walls, metal objects, etc. This will decrease signal strength and, therefore, overall performance.

2. Electrical noise when transmitting through the air will also adversely affect wireless performance.

3. Because wireless is usually being transmitted via an omnidirectional antenna, much of the signal is lost to the wireless device, which is receiving only a fraction of the available signal.

4. Routers typically run at 54Mbps. Broadband wired internet speed on ethernet can be 100Mbps. So the capacity of the wired connection may exceed that of your wireless router, even if it’s connected to the same broadband source.

5. This can also be a function of the wireless standard that you’re using. 802.11n, for instance, is capable of 300 Mbps speed, while 802.11g speeds are in the aforementioned 54 Mbps range.

6. Proximity to the router will affect speed. The further you are from the source, the slower your speeds.

7. Your wireless device is sharing the available bandwidth with all other devices on that wireless network. Think of it on terms of water pressure,and trying to run a bath while the kitchen sink and the clothes washer are both running.

8. Positioning of the antenna can affect the wireless signal.

9. Speed differences between wireless and wired are going to be most significant when transferring files between devices on the same network.

10. Wireless encryption, a security necessity when transmitting through the air, also slows down the signal.

Although any wireless router is rated for speeds in excess of most broadband speed, the nature of wireless transmission makes it susceptible to conditions that can adversely affect performance.

How to hide identity while surfing

How to hide identity while surfing

When you travel about the internet, you end up leaving behind traces. And that includes more than just user comments in forums or online networks like Facebook.

However impersonal it might seem, there’s nothing anonymous about completely normal surfing. There are two options to conceal your identity while surfing, but both mean less convenience.
Website operators can detect, for example: the region from which their site is being accessed; which internet provider the visitor is using; and whether that user has

visited the site before.
That same webmaster can also typically view which browser and operating system are being used and other technical details about the user’s computer. To a webmaster, the IP address is also visible for every visitor to a website.
Is this a big deal? In the opinion of privacy policy advocate Sandra Mamitzsch, internet surfers should guard their privacy carefully.
“Simply put, it’s nobody’s business what you’re doing on the internet,” the spokesman for the Study Group on Data Retention says. The reasons for this becomes obvious if you consider someone who wants to discreetly review pages on AIDS or pregnancy.
There are a number of ways for website operators to gather the data. :”When you call up one single page, content from multiple providers is often loaded at the same time without the user realizing it,” explains Dennis Pietsch, who runs a website on anonymous surfing.
Ad banners, videos, and sometimes even images are frequently integrated into one website but stored on external servers, Pietsch explains. “These servers are also contacted when the page is called and can record the referring IP address,” he says.
Pietsch cites the Google Analytics service as an example: “The free service is offered to webmasters to let them analyse data related to their visitors.” The point of contention is that the data is stored centrally on the search engine company’s servers. In Germany, for example, roughly 12 per cent of domains use Google Analytics.
There are a variety of techniques that can be used to guard against revealing too much information on the web.
“There is unfortunately no optimal way to surf the internet anonymously. Each method has advantages and disadvantages,” says Holger Bleich, an editor at German computer magazine c’t.
The current crop of browsers offer settings for anonymous surfing. “This ultimately only ends up preventing your own computer from recording where you surf and stops cookies from being saved. The traces that you leave behind on the internet are details that the browser itself can’t stop,” Bleich says.
Another option is programmes and services to direct internet traffic through so-called proxy servers. “The websites you visit in that case only ever see the IP address of that proxy server,” Bleich says. This prevents web shops from recognizing repeat visitors, for example.
“Law enforcement agencies can still determine the identity of the users in some cases, since the proxy servers store that data,” says Bleich.
The fact that prosecutors or even companies try to determine the identity of a user is not that unusual, Bleich says.
“Even the relatively harmless transgression of using a swap bazaar can lead to the copyright holders pursuing the identity of the user behind a specific IP address from the state prosecutor’s office,” Bleich notes.
The German Supreme Court recently overturned that country’s law of data retention. Even so, “most providers tend to store the data for at least a few years,” says privacy advocate Mamitzsch. This means that the data can potentially be requested from the provider within that timeframe.
The safest way to ensure that no data is collected by websites involves a heavy layer of protection. “To protect your own identity effectively when you’re surfing the web, you need the TOR and JAP anonymisation services. The page requests are then broken down and fed across multiple servers to the point where it’s no longer possible to see where they originated,” Bleich says.
True anonymization carries with it one serious problem: Transfer speeds are significantly decreased as a result of the multiple redirections. “Downloading large files can then become an unbearable trial of patience,” Bleich explains.
Pietsch also sees convenience as mutually exclusive with anonymity: “Put all of the tricks for anonymous surfing into practice and you’ll be surfing the same way they did back in the early days of the internet.”

Watch Full Length Movies In Youtube

Watch Full Length Movies In Youtube

 YouTube has launched a free movie service that will allow users to view full movies for free. The new service can be found at, and will show a range of films, including several Bollywood hits.

YouTube has launched a free movies service that will allow users to view full movies for free. It includes a large range of films which are categorized into bollywood, comedy, animations & cartoons, horror and much more.The company said that more than 400 movies will be initially available as part of the service.

According to the YouTube, Titles will include a range that "brings together a library of film ranging from past mainstream hits to cult classics and beyond, and YouTube hopes the Movies section will grow in time."

YouTube has signed partnerships with, British online film and TV aggregator, and US studios like Lionsgate, MGM and Sony Pictures for the free movie channel. Some popular movies include The Addiction, Dark Side Of The Sun, The Clan Of The Cave Bear and Death Train. Some popular Bollywood movies like Maine pyaer kiya, Dhmaal are also added.

Donagh O'Malley, Head of Video Partnerships, YouTube told Guardian, "This is one of many efforts to ensure that people can find all the different kinds of video they want to see, from bedroom vlogs and citizen journalism reports to full-length films and TV shows. This is a first step."

Although we can watch free movies on YouTube but the internet connection speed in awful, i tried this service but streaming is very slow due to slow internet speed about 512 kbps, it is useful only to the people using more then 2 Mbps speed so that there should be a continuous streaming , these connections are very less as data plan by BSNL ( Main ISP of India ) offers only 15 GB of data at 2 Mbps speed , So, this service success will be in doubt in India until ISP increases their speed.

How to Access Blocked Websites Using Proxy Servers

How to Access Blocked Websites Using Proxy Servers

access blocked websites 300x199

Have you ever seen the message showing that the website is blocked while you are surfing at your School or Office or University. Things like these will happen since your ISP or firewall in your organization had blocked access to some websites. Mostly Government Block access to websites if they found that the site content is undesirable.

In Countries like Saudi Arabia, they have blocked all the sites which are related to sex, religion, women, health, politics, pop culture, selling swimming or bathing suits. Where as in China the blacklisted or blocked sites are related to sex, Tibet and Democracy.

So, if you are facing this problem and if you want to unblock the restricted sites, just follow the simple steps given below. I am writing this tutorial on the basis of using proxy servers to access blocked sites.
What is a proxy server?
A proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers, according to Wikipedia. Now you have got the idea behind the term proxy server’s.
How to access Blocked Websites using Proxy Server’s?
  • If you can’t access a site in your workplace, just go to Google and type proxy servers. You will get a huge list of proxy websites. In case, if you can’t access Google too, then use
  • Go the and type in the website you want to access and hit enter. You can surf the blocked website using this Proxy FreeProxyserver.
This is the simplest method of accessing Blocked Websites using a Proxy sevrer.

History OF Calculators

History OF Calculators

The very first calculator was a Pascaline adding and subtracting machine created by Pascal in 1642, so calculators have been around for a long time - almost 400 years. The interesting connection with Pascal's calculator is very little has changed since then, as far as how the figures are calculated. The difference today is the speed and variety of calculations can be completed with a calculator.

Calculator’s golden age began in the 1800s. Technological and mechanical challenges were faced with all those who developed early calculators. These limitations often caused early calculators not working properly, if at all. Meantime, in 1800 technological and mechanical options advanced enough for reliable mechanical calculators, to be built and operated. Some of these include:

In 1820, was developed by Arithmometer Colmar used a step drum technique to add, subtract, multiply and divide.

In 1875 it was originally developed by Odhner invented a mill or a variable gear calculator, used a hand crank to complete the calculation.

In 1885, Comptometer was developed by Felt, who invented the first calculator using the keys to press for numbers and calculations.

In 1900, the golden age of calculators continued and began to take on the familiar form we use today.

In 1901, the standard calculator developed by Hopkins, who used two rows of five buttons that represent the digits 0 to 9 to perform mathematical calculations.

In 1911 was the standard ten-digit keyboard we use today developed by Sundstrand, which brought the design from Sweden to the United States.

In 1914, began the first commercial calculators in business and the use of calculators began to be popular.

Golden Age calculators continued until the 1960s when they were mechanical devices that require to enter numbers in specific sequences to achieve the desired mathematical calculation. Most even had the mechanical lever you pulled in different parts of the calculations eventually end up with the desired result.

In the 1960s things began to change as fast as transistors and other technology components can be made small enough to fit in portable calculator units. The first electronic calculators began to appear:

In 1961 Anita MK8 was developed using vacuum tubes 170 coupled to a decade counter, the basic mathematical operations and was used to display numbers in a desktop calculator.

In 1964 Sharp Compet CS 10A was developed as the first commercial transistor calculator.

In 1968 Sharp Compet 22 was marketed as the first commercial electronic desk top calculator.

In 1969 Sharp QT8-D was introduced as the first battery-powered handheld calculator. It was only 5.2 inches wide, 9.6 inches high and 2.75 inches thick. This was a great achievement in the 1960s.

In 1970 the first Texas Instrument calculator, called Pocketronic, was developed and was even smaller than Sharp QT8-D.

Calculators continued to evolve and became smaller and more sophisticated in their ability complete complex calculations.

In 1975, HP 55, Hewlett Packard introduced at a price of $ 385.00.

From the 1970s until 1990 a market war waged by many companies trying to enter the calculator business. In 1990 there were only four majors back:


Hewlett Packard


Beginning in the 1990s to today, the number of Calculators exploded on the market. They include graphing calculators and specialized media, scientific calculators. Because of technological advances, the price of calculators has fallen sharply. The first calculators built in the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s, which could simply not the four basic mathematical calculations, will cost thousands of dollars today. Today you can get a calculator to complete the same basic functions in less than a dollar.

Calculating machines have come a long way through the technological stages of development; the question is what they will look like 400 years from now?

21 Greate Twitter Analytics Tools For Free

21 Greate Twitter Analytics Tools For Free

1. 24oclocks – You can see your tweets displayed by the hour of the day.
2. GeoTwitterous – Enter a Twitter ID and this tool will display from where the people that particular person is following are in a global map.
3. My Tweet Map – This tool will show you the latest tweets from your friends on a map.
4. Quotably – With Quotably, you can check out any Twitter user’s conversations in a thread conversation style making it easier to follow. Extremely useful.
5. Sitevolume - Just like Alexa, this site will allow to see how many time a particular term has been used on Twitter, Digg, MySpace, YouTube, and Flickr. You can add in multiple terms and see bar graphs comparing the terms.
6. Tweeterboard – An analytics service that provides information about popular Twitter users and popular links.
7. Tweetburner – Tweetburner gives you click stats for the links you posted in Twitter.
8. TwitBuzz – TwitBuzz is a service that follows the links, messages,and users on Twitter and displays them nicely on its site Digg-style.
9. TweetBeep – Just like Google Alerts, this service will send you an alert whenever your set keyword is mentioned on Twitter or when somebody link to your site.
10.TwitGraph – This service provides graphs of your Twitter usage – tweets by day, top 5 words, top 5 links, and top replies.
11. Twitterlinkr - Shows you the popular links that people are posting in Twitter.
12. Twittermeter - You can use Twittermeter to see how frequently a word has been used on Twitter. You can also compare two or more words.
13. Twemes - Twemes follows Twitter public messages with particular tags to build a meme around a topic.
14. TweetStats – You can grab your Twitter stats including your tweet timeline, tweet per month, and tweet per hour.
15. TweetVolume – With this, you can check how many time a particular word appear on Twitter. You can compare upto five words and see the results in bar graphs.
16. TwitterLocal – This tool allows you to generate an RSS Feed of a filtered list of tweets from a certain area.
17. Tweetmeme – Displays popular topics on Twitter and those people talking about that topic.
18. Twist - This provides trends of what people are saying on Twitter just like Google Trends does for internet search words.
19. Twittermap – This tool displays the most recent public updates in the last 12 hours.
20. Twitt(url)y – This service tracks the most linked to urls on Twitter and display them Digg-style.
21. Wiiizzz - This service lists the audio tracks that have been listed to and shared on Twitter.